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Director Yutaka Amao in ReCAP has been admitted as fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry.

Published on Feb 20, 2018



Yutaka Amao, Director, ReCAP or the OCU Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, has been elected as fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry on January 19, 2018.

The Royal Society of Chemistry is an academic institution where has a long history for over 170 years. The institution aims to contribute to the development of chemistry. There are members not only in UK but also in USA, Japan, India, China and around the world.

It is very honor to be selected the fellow because the fellow is recognized the researcher who contributes chemical research development noticeably in the member of the Royal Society of Chemistry with a history of more than 5 years research.

Since Director Amao is approved his many years’ research and his contribution to the Royal Society of Chemistry, he was chosen the fellow.


  • Website for the OCU Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
  • Website for the Royal Society of Chemistry
