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President Arakawa and Chinese Students Celebrate the Chinese New Year with a Special Lunch

Published on Feb 03, 2020


On Friday 24 January 2020, Chinese students and students from OGM (Osaka City University Global Members) gathered in the office of President Arakawa to welcome the Chinese New Year with a special lunch. President Arakawa’s opening address in Chinese made nervous participants feel at home and the luncheon started in a friendly atmosphere.

On behalf of the Chinese students, Mr. Chen Bowen of the Faculty of Science explained the popular Chinese New Year dishes prepared for this day. He talked about the origin of each dish as well as the culture behind them. In return, President Arakawa shared similar information about the traditional Japanese New Year’s dish “Osechi”. Sharing information this way helped everyone deepened their understanding of each other and the culture they represent. One of the participants, Mr. Shi Xiusiang of the Graduate School of Urban Management, said, “I am so pleased to join this fun exchange in the President's Office – a place we rarely see - and have an opportunity to talk directly with the President. I was able to be open with my experiences as an international student which proved to be a precious moment for me. " The theme for the next lunch meeting will be planned by members of the International Students Association.

